
Showing posts from May, 2010


Another one of days when the mind seems more numb than the usual. There seems to be a slight hesitation and a (yet) uncategorised mental hurdle that has come up. Whether it is a figment of my imagination or real, I don’t really know right now. What I do know is that there is a general, all round confusion about what direction I should be heading towards. Now, the issue itself is not very serious, at least not enough to warrant pressing the panic button. I suppose it stems more from an angle of re-familiarisation. A rolling stone gathers no moss – but it definitely loses its amorphous shape and that seems more likely in this case. There are so many things that we want and we want and we want and it just doesn’t seem to stop – the want! As the age old adage of r oti, kapda aur makaan has been replaced by Mrs. Dixit’s political slogans of bijli, sadak aur paani ; it is human nature to never stop wanting. It’s like a shopping list which keeps getting longer by the day. What we ‘need’ is si