Senior Citizen's ramblings

Been a long time since I opened up blogger and what can I say...!? Read a couple of interesting blogs and smiled. They reminded me of the good times that we have every day and for the most part, take for granted. Hopefully, we can always look back and smile about them. One important point was about enjoying the college life while it lasts. Having come back to academia after so long, I actually agree to that. For hours have I toiled in the name of being a 'professional' when I realise that I was losing a part of me. Irony is, one does that all the time. Like they say, you win some and you lose some.

So, like I was saying, I am having a good time in college while my friends are toiling. Of course, when you're in college, you have time to spend and when you're working, you have money to spend. This trade off is worth it for a while I think. Somehow, it seems to me that for the kind of "non periodically oscillating" object that I am, sooner and later, I will end up coming back to academia again. Of course, with each passing year, the divide will be greater between my peers and me. I have now been officially slotted in the "Senior Citizen" category, as if I wasn't reminded of that enough...!

There was a time when I floating in an existential world wondering what was the purpose of my life on this planet. A madman's rant if you ask me, really. While those around me had their lives charted out to the last minute, I was living each day at a time and having a good time at it. Again, who was having a good time is dependent on whose point of view you're looking from. Anyway, I was having a good time and all that when I went through something which made me realise that nobody really is insulated from those "life altering" experiences. So, it is good to have gone through something like that. I believe that every moment is an enriching experience although I know some people who will disagree. have the right to but ask me if I care!?

What is the moral of the post? Who cares? I don't, do you? Senior Citizens have a habit of rambling random nonsense and if I can take advantage of that, why not? End of the day, I am still smiling about the glorious GBM yesterday where someone thought others were selling vegetables. Oh, I wish I could have captured that moment (unfortunately, phone batteries have a habit of dying out at such times) to share it here but let me assure you, I could almost see that person walking out with his tail between his legs (all puns intended). If you ask me, getting un-asked-for concession doesn't really hurt either (even if it is a Senior Citizen Quota)...! Guess I am the one laughing all the way to the "interview" now...! :)


Vinay said…
as usual... u proved yet again that EXPERIENCE between the lines...