
As far as the eye could see stretched the barren landscape. Desolate and lonely he stood there and wondered if it was his fate that had brought him there or was it just one of the many choices that he is compelled to make every moment of his goalless life. He yearned to see someone…something…anything. He had tried to find his way out of this place…dreamt about it but there was no respite from it. The sun burned bright and ferocious…one could even say that there was a certain beauty to this whole bestial landscape that cleansed the soul from within its very core but how long was he destined to be here…he wondered.

Each step that he took brought with it more pain. He endured it…endured it because he was a determined soul after all. He was determined to fight and survive his predicament even if was going to last for an eternity…and an eternity was what it seemed like now. He fought the weakness inside…fought the voice which asked him to give up. How could he…? Filled with a belief that there was an end to this torturous existence he dragged on till he could no more. Falling to the ground with sheer exhaustion his faith had started to weaken. He was filled with a fear…the fear of dying alone…all alone with only his solitude for company.

It wasn’t long ago when he had experienced the beauty of life in all its glory. The lushness of the landscape had been magical. Everywhere he looked he could see the beauty of nature and what did he do? He chose to give it all up without a fight and be a hero. No one’s hero it turns out. Today he wonders if he did achieve anything at all apart from all this pain and suffering, which he has to endure all on his own…!

As he lay on the burning ground he wondered if this was the end he was destined to have…!? He had almost decided to give himself up now. He couldn’t resist the hot air which filled his nostrils and burned his lungs…but he didn’t. He decided to just lie there and regain some strength so that he could at least go out fighting like a man.

How long he lay there he didn’t know but he sensed a change. Something about the air told him that things were changing. He didn’t have the strength to look up and see what it was but he felt it nonetheless. The sun suddenly disappeared behind the clouds and the air gained a gentle caressing touch. Without a single warning the gates of heaven opened up to him and he felt the first touch of rain on his face. Drop after drop after drop came falling out of the sky and transformed the whole landscape to something that he knew already deep inside.

Was he dreaming again…he wondered? Was it possibly true that he was feeling what he was? He finally opened his eyes and gingerly looked around. For a while he stared at it in disbelief. The transformation had caught him completely by surprise. Everywhere he looked he saw the bountiful beauty of nature…a beauty that seeped into his soul and gave him life…again. He felt the strength flowing in his body and realized it was true! It was as true as it possibly could be. He stood up once more…cautiously…apprehension still looming large within him. How could this be true? The hope which had left him to be with someone else had come back. Standing back up on his feet again he knew that he had finally found what he was looking for all these days. Alas! If only he knew that this was just another one of nature’s games! He wanted to believe in it but couldn’t get himself to do so. Will this beauty stay forever? Is it possible for him to be happy now…or at any other point of time? He doesn’t know…
