A New Day

27/11/2005...long ago...this one was in a dingy hotel room in Bangalore...
"It’s been awhile”…or so said this one bald guy who made a living out of jumping around and yelling his lungs out along with a bunch of guys who would together create enough noise to give the fishmongers of Calcutta a run for their money!
So, like I was saying…it’s been a while…
Here I am, sitting on a just-about-sleepable bed in a just-about-liveable room of a just-about-decent hotel far away from home and wondering what is it that I am supposed to do with my life!!!? An interesting question you see…I have been wondering about this exact same question for a few years now, of course, utterly unable to find an answer. Some people, in fact most people, do what most other people do…live their lives. I really don’t know if I am making any sense here…I mean isn’t one supposed to live his or her life? Do I here you say “of course!”? I agree myself…after all what else can one do? What options does one have in any case? How you choose to do it is what is important, right? Well that’s exactly the dilemma here…what is the right way to do it? Notwithstanding the various views on the subject, I still think there is something missing from my life. Damn! If only I can find that missing ingredient!
I see those who I grew up with “grow up”. Planning their life and career, getting married or at least planning to, moving up the ladder in their respective occupations and yet…not happy in the truest sense of the word. May be it’s not their fault…maybe it’s merely human to want more, more and yet more. At the risk of sounding like a loser, I wonder when will this “more” ever become “enough” or maybe “just right”? Don’t get me wrong here. I don’t mean that one should reach a goal and then just sit back and not do anything more. Now that would be wrong, wouldn’t it be? I just think that maybe, at times we end up giving the wrong things priority and in the process achieve something that is not entirely what we want but by then, one is so far gone in the direction that one has lost sight of the original goal.
Well, I guess I’m not the best person to talk about such things. My life itself has been like a series “non-periodic oscillations”, what with jumping cities and countries and in the process, making an ass of myself…I think! While everybody else was busy learning the advanced rules of life I was too busy trying to figure out which lectures to attend! I do hope though, that I will be able to graduate with a good grade one day…some day…
Tomorrow is a new day…! With it comes new dreams, new hopes, new challenges…and a new strength…to get through it with a sense of achievement at the end of the long day…living life one day at a time, all the while keeping one eye on the long road ahead…tomorrow is indeed a new day…!