London Diaries_20/03/2021

In the past few years, I have had the opportunity to spend considerable time in a particular kind of built form that I have always wanted to design (only half a project so far) yet never wanted to be a resident or visitor of. As it happens, one has no choice in such matters. However, what I have come to realise is that there is always a silver lining and it is up to us to find it. While visiting one such space, I came across a very interesting set of paintings by two artists, Vanessa Bryson and Suse Neilebock. These paintings are inspired by different pieces of music and are intended to be experienced in both, tactile and visual form. Needless to say, it was quite pleasant to see them while walking through an otherwise dull corridor - sort of a “visual oasis”. #london #newadventures #exploreuk #nonperiodicoscillations #architecture #design #art #painting #music #hospital #oasis #silverlining